
Welcome to AJ Writing! My name is Alex. I’ve been writing for about 15 years now. Most of the content I write for fun is fiction, fantasy, or fan fiction. For work, I write business, mental health, and inclusion. My favorite is to write material that helps everyone come to an understanding with each other.

After this welcome message are all the categories below, recent posts and you can search to see if there’s something specific. Feel free to click one to see all the short stories in that genre. Or the writings tab up in the menu contains most of everything with a sidebar you can choose from as well.

If anything interests you, feel free to comment! I answer and respond to what you post. Spam or rude comments aren’t tolerated, so I filter. If your comment didn’t get posted, try again. It might have been accidentally filtered out.

I hope you enjoy what you read here and that it entertains you. There are short stories and longer stories, so whichever you fancy, it’s here. In any case, enjoy!
